Business Management Certifications

Business Management Certifications

What is a degree without certification?

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Certification Made

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In the Business Management Department, there are several certification options available.

Joshua Career Institute (JCI) supports students in the following business-related certification fields:
Certified Bookkeeper (CB)
Certified Public Bookkeepers (CPB)
Certified Accounting Analyst (CAA)
Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence (PACE)
Certified Customer Service Specialist (CSS)
Certified Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Certified Payroll Specialist (CPS)
Certified Payroll Professionals (CPP)
Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
Certified Tax Preparer (CTP)
Certified QuickBooks Advisor (CQA)
Certified Professional Secretary (CPS)
Accounts Payable Specialist Certification (APS)
Accounts Payable Manager Certification (APM)
Accounts Receivable Specialist Certification (ARS)
Accounts Receivable Manager Certification (ARM)
and much more...

Certification means that "you are board certified." Receiving a certificate from an institution DOES NOT MEAN you are board certified. (This is a very important information to understand!!!).

Some argue that board certification is almost an equivalent of Master's degree? They argue that spending four months in being board certified is almost like four years in college. Did you know that on business cards and e-mail signatures, no one lists Bachelor's degree anymore, but they proudly display certification titles and Master's degrees? No wonder we take pride in seeing our students become certified in the right programs.

If you have any questions including program details, please complete the Quick Contact form to the right of this webpage.


Full Time Preparation 5 Weeks
Part Time Preparation 6 Weeks

Certification fee is free subject to timely graduation from Joshua's related program
Certification textbooks and materials are free
Students are responsible for their membership fees
Joshua will prepare the student to take only one certification examination

If your goal is career transition or career acceleration, certification is your best option. JCI will advise you on what business certification courses to take to increase your EIQ %. The higher your EIQ %, the higher your indispensability ratio; this is the "secret recipe" employers use in calculating retention and promotion percentages. We will guide you on how to increase your EIQ %.

If you have any questions, please complete the Quick Contact form to the right of this webpage.


1. Must be a current Joshua student or a recent Joshua graduate,
2. Must receive certification approval in writing from the Admin Department BEFORE enrollment in any Joshua programs.

It is important to note that employers are placing certification credentials or being certified above Bachelor's Degree for employment purposes.

If you have any questions, please complete the Quick Contact form to the right of this webpage.


Preferably, a student should be getting certification-ready while in their training programs. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to pass the certification examination. Success rate is higher if certification is considered during the training program.

If you have any questions, please complete the Quick Contact form to the right of this webpage.

Advantages of Being Board Certified in Business
Priority in receiving signing bonus for certified employees and relocation benefits to the next city Priority in receiving retention and referring bonuses including holiday, profit and gain sharing bonuses Priority in receiving employment interviews before non-certified candidates. If non-certified applicants are invited on the same date, certified applications are interviewed first. Priority in being selected for the job, while non-certified applicants' interviews are done in a hurry or rescheduled. Priority in getting salary and promotion increases in multiple concurrent years.
Priority in getting promotions to supervisory and management positions before non-certified employees. Even when non-certified employees have been on the same job for 5 years or more, certified employees are selected first. Priority in receiving salary increases, bonuses, and other benefits because, their contribution factors are high. Non-certified employees are considered last in receiving salary increases, bonuses, and other benefits because, their contribution factors are low. Priority in representing the company to the outside world because of their professional skills. Even when non-certified employees have been on the job for more than 5 years are less likely to be selected to represent the company.
2022 TO CURRENT DURATION: Certificate Programs 6 months Diploma 8 months
2022 TO CURRENT TUITION: Certificate Programs $6,000.00 Diploma $8,000.00
2022 TO CURRENT REQUIREMENTS: High School Diploma, GED, or College Transcripts
Joshua is Affordable!
Low & Reasonable tuition rates Financial aid from state & local sources Tuition includes Textbooks and Materials
Tuition Reimbursements from employers Military and Veterans special rates Tuition includes Certification fees
Joshua is Flexible and Accommodative!
Classes start monthly
24/7 Access to Courses and Materials
4-Week Courses
What Joshua Students Are Saying!
Are satisfied with their programs
Love the Hands-on Training
Being certified raised their self-esteem
Joshua Works with High Value Certification Boards!
In Business: Certified Public Bookkeepers; Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence (PACE); Certified Customer Service Specialist; American Institute of Certified Bookkeepers; Certified Customer Service Representative; Certified Payroll Professionals; Certified Sales Professional; and Certified Tax Preparer