Paralegal Studies
Paralegal Studies programs include Criminal Justice, Legal Assistant, Pre-law, and Public Administration,
COURSE NAME: LAW117 Criminology
Course Description (Detailed Syllabus is released upon registration)
Students will learn the essentials of Criminology. Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 1) explain the basic concepts in criminology and the causes and patterns of criminal and deviant behavior, 2) describe the legal and behavior aspects of a crime and discuss the difference between crime and deviance, 3) identify general elements of criminological theory and examine the causes of traditional and non-traditional criminal behavior, and 4) discuss the concepts of crime by the public and recognize that crime is not a simple problem.
Required Resource Purchases
Textbook’s name, author’s name, and the ISBN will be released to the students upon registration. .
Software and additional resources, including author’s name and the ISBN will be released to the students upon registration.
Additional Materials for Learning
Access to a printer or printing shop such as FedEx Kinko’s
Access to high speed Internet and a reliable computer
E-mail account that will be checked daily
Course Grading and Policies
Points from: Lessons, Assignments, Tests, Classroom Discussion, and Course Portfolio are factors in grade point calculation.
A = 90% – 100%, B = 80% – 89%, C = 70% – 79%, D = 60% – 69%, F = 59% and Below.
Late Assignment Policy: If unable to complete assignments or tests on time, please contact your instructor before the due date.Assignments or tests submitted after the due date without appropriate excuse and pre-approval will receive a zero score.
Award Upon Completion
The student will receive three credit hours upon completion of this course.