Business Courses

Business Courses

Business Administration programs include Accountant, Executive Assistant, Bookkeeping Specialist, Customer Services Specialist, Office Management, Payroll Accounting, Real Estate Office Assistant, Sales Associates, Tax Accounting, Finance, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Project Management, Leadership, and Human Resources.

COURSE NAME:  BUS107 Keyboarding I

Course Description (Detailed Syllabus is released upon registration)

Students will learn the essentials of keyboarding.  Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 1) identify the raised bumps, home row and the QWERT keys, finger and wrist relaxation and flow, 2) describe the best finger movement, rhythm control, chaining, finger control, light touch and curved fingers, 3) explain the concepts of repetitive keys and strain injuries, eyes control & coordination, and 4) define finger recognition, body positioning, speed and accuracy, progressive typing, light touch in numerical typing, skill building techniques, and refinement 



Required Resource Purchases

Textbook’s name, author’s name, and the ISBN will be released to the students upon registration.  . 

Software and additional resources, including author’s name and the ISBN will be released to the students upon registration.    

Additional Materials for Learning

Access to a printer or printing shop such as FedEx Kinko’s

Access to high speed Internet and a reliable computer

E-mail account that will be checked daily

Course Grading and Policies

Points from:  Lessons, Assignments, Tests, Classroom Discussion, and Course Portfolio are factors in grade point calculation.

A = 90% – 100%, B = 80% – 89%, C = 70% – 79%, D = 60% – 69%, F = 59% and Below.

Late Assignment Policy: If unable to complete assignments or tests on time, please contact your instructor before the due date.  Assignments or tests submitted after the due date without appropriate excuse and pre-approval will receive a zero score.

Award Upon Completion

The student will receive three credit hours upon completion of the course.

Tuition : $ 0.00